Friday, June 15, 2018


I've lived in Utah my entire life, so I know the best places to hang out, eat, and take photos. I'm sharing a little bit of my knowledge below with 6 Instagram Worthy Places in Utah. I've been to all these places countless times because not only are they picture perfect, but are also fun places to hang out with friends and family.

1. Lolli & Pops- Fashion Place Mall
This candy shop is seriously the cutest store I've ever been in. The shelves are the most perfect color of blue, all the accents are in gold, and there is a life sized gold gummy bear! Every time I'm in there I want to buy something just because the packaging alone is so pretty.

2. In Canyons with Forests and Mountains
All Utah County natives know that the canyon is the place to go for wedding pictures, senior portraits, or just a quick snap for the gram. American Fork Canyon has lots of photogenic bridges, clusters of rocks, and trees around every corner. My favorite season to go up the canyon is fall when the leaves have all turned orange and red. Tibble Fork Reservoir is great for action shots of rope swinging and paddle boarding in the summer, and looks amazing when frozen for the winter too.

3. Waffle Love
Not only do their waffles look amazing, but all of their stores and trucks feature colorful and fun artwork. My favorite waffle is the Sunshine waffle which has lemon curd, strawberries, and freshly whipped cream. This colorful waffle also looks great paired with the fun colors in the artwork at their trucks and stores.

4. Cents of Style Wall- Bluffdale
If you've been looking for big spreads of solid color then the Cents of Style Wall is for you. Since the wall provides a long backdrop, I've seen some great group photos taken here.

5. National Parks
There are tons of national parks in Utah including Arches, Bryce, and Zion. All these places feature red-orange rock formations. In the winter the snow creates beautiful contrast with the vibrant landscapes.

6. Bonneville Salt Flats
With miles of a crystal like surface and clear blue skies you can take any kind of photo here and it will turn out looking great. Even if you have a habit of making the weirdest face possible like the above photo. I've seen some amazing dance shots or group pictures because of the huge space to work with.

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